As we rewrite the playbook for cross-platform measurement, the first and most critical step is creating standards of what buyers and sellers need from currencies to transact upon at scale.

That's why one of the very first tasks the JIC tackled was bringing the buyside and sellside together to create these standards. In this panel, the JIC members involved in creating the initial standards pulled back the curtain to lend some transparency to the process and the principles themselves. Watch the video to hear more from Mariel Estrada, Head of Video Currency at Omnicom Media Group; Andrea Zapata, EVP, Ad Sales Research, Measurement and Insights at Warner Bros. Discovery; Travis Scoles, SVP, Advanced Advertising at Paramount; Melanie Schneider, SVP, Research at AMC Networks; Celeste Castle, EVP, Head of Research and Measurement at dentsu Media; Brian Hughes, EVP, Managing Director, Audience Intelligence & Strategy at IPG MediaBrands; and Dan Aversano, SVP, Data, Analytics, and Advanced Advertising at TelevisaUnivision.

Watch the full conversation above.

The Baseline Standards for Cross-Platform Video Currencies created by the JIC are anchored in eight key themes: Big Data, Technology & Infrastructure, Interoperability, Privacy, Transparency, Governance and Transaction Flexibility, Cross-Platform Measurement, and Cross-Media Transparency, Media Integrations & Stewardship. Our panelists talked through each theme, and how they are shaping the future of video advertising.

We don't want to live in a world with just blunt, broad demos. Why would you when you have big data?

- Andrea Zapata

Big data will be the key that opens doors for smarter and better insights in measurement, which is why the JIC made it a cornerstone of its standards. It's welcome news for advertisers who want to increase ROI and more effectively prove the value of their buys. "[Big data] allows us to move measurement to catch up to where we are in activation," said Scoles. "It allows us to take advantage of all the investments we've made across this industry in data and we can make dollars work better for our end advertiser."

Clean room technology allows us to work with multiple data sets, multiple identity sources, in ways that still protect consumer data, our sellers' data, advertiser data, and it gives...our clients flexibility, access, insights (tons of insights!) and really brings greater efficiency to our investment process.

- Mariel Estrada

There are technological innovations already happening today that are bringing the industry closer to the ideal of cross-platform measurement. Data clean rooms allow for big data to be used by all parties in a privacy-first manner, and unlock avenues for more insights that will drive efficiency in planning and transaction.

When we think about measurement and how it's evolving, it has to be cross-platform. That's table-stakes. That's how media is distributed today.

- Travis Scoles

The playbook for cross-platform measurement has to be a complete rewrite, because measurement cannot function effectively when siloed by platform. Advertisers need a holistic, unified view of campaign performance, and to achieve that, measurement needs to be cross-platform as a default. That's a transformation that both buyers and sellers are excited by. "The big takeaway around cross-platform measurement is that we no longer have to be constricted to the forms in which we have traditionally measured billions upon billions of dollars in the past," Zapata stated.

Before true cross-platform measurement can be achieved and built upon for transaction, the industry needs to solve it's counting problem. Without a fix for counting, proving campaign efficacy will remain out of reach. "It's really important for us to get [counting] right in order to prove efficacy," Zapata continued. "Counting and efficacy are inherently linked."

Want to see the Baseline Requirements for Cross-Platform Video Currencies? Download the whitepaper below.